See the Hot Pursuit mode from the global version of Need for Speed Mobile

A gameplay video from Need for Speed Mobile has appeared on YouTube. Don’t be surprised that the language is English — this is gameplay from the first beta test of NFS Mobile, not something new, as the old links in TestFlight and Google Play don’t work.

Nevertheless, the video shows gameplay for cops on iPad Pro tablet with M2 chipset. The graphics are console-like despite the fact that this is the first beta test, especially the car models look great.

In Hot Pursuit mode, players must use helicopters to search for criminal racers, and then get behind the wheel of a police car to catch up with them and stop them using active skills.

Note that despite the fact that the developers of the Chinese version of Need for Sped: Zeal said that it’s easy for police officers to win rounds, the shown footage shows the opposite situation — often the player chases criminals alone, at most meeting a partner car, which is controlled by a bot. So the racers have an easier task — they just press the gas pedal and try to get to the finish line faster.

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